Bassma organized this week a 4-hour session for the screening and testing of beneficiaries’ eyes, with the precious partnership of Optique et Vision in Beirut, Optique Chidiac in Bickfaya and Alain Afflelou Paris.


Bassma organized this week a 4-hour session for the screening and testing of beneficiaries’ eyes, with the precious partnership of Optique et Vision in Beirut, Optique Chidiac in Bickfaya and Alain Afflelou Paris.

A big thank you to the @optiqueetvision team for always being ready and thrilled to support Bassma and help us make a difference in people’s eyes. All together, for a better vision! 💖💕
A big thank you to Optique Chidiac for supporting us as well and being part of this eyes’ screening and testing campaign that took place in Bikfaya 💚
A big thank you to Alain Afflelou Paris for your eyeglasses’ donation!

During these hard times we are going through, and thanks to your kindness and generosity, we were able to offer free eyeglasses to children, adults and elderlies in need ❤️
Thank you to Ms. @nad_dino_the_cat and Les Dames Arméniennes Catholique de Bienfaisance for your precious support! 💜

Looking forward to more fruitful collaborations in the near future to draw more smiles on people’s faces 🙏

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والدة رئيس اتحاد السباحة في ذمّة الله

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